Oh my, the light is bright in my eyes as I emerge from Garden Writer’s Hibernation into the warm April sunshine. It doesn’t take long at all though, as the last bits of snow fade away, for spring fever to fire up my gardener’s urge to get out and play in the dirt. Read More>
Spring is moving along. Not at a sprint, not even a jog… more like those 50+ people you see walking briskly along the road, arms swinging like a windmill. Purposeful and steady, just not as fast as we’d wish spring to develop. Read More >
I went for a walk around our gardens this evening looking for the many signs that spring has finally begun turning the lifeless winter landscape back into the lush and colourful one we have missed for months. Read More>
Finally, the long-awaited warming of spring has really begun, moving the plant world from a brisk walk to a jog. As I stroll through the gardens at home, I see daily changes in perennial shoots, buds bursting, leaves unfurling, and flowers reflecting the joyous sunshine. Read More>
Take definite cheer my friends from this photo, despite how cold it may be today, as this is how colourful local gardens can be looking a mere 5 weeks from today. Read More>
Finally, I have full-fledged wide-open flowers to show you in my own garden. Look at these beauties. I love a flower that contains a built-in colour complement, and this is a classic, with the bright yellow reproductive parts nestled in a purple star of petals, looking ever so bright and hopeful Read More>.